How it works

We know funeral directors are busy. That’s why we made the process of live streaming funerals extremely quick and easy.

Setting up a live stream

1. Schedule

In less than 5 minutes, schedule the live stream, upload photos, and automatically share the link with the next of kin.

2. Share link

The link is automatically shared to the next of kin when you create the ceremony. If the live stream is not private, you can copy and paste the link onto your website’s obituary page.

3. Go live

Your fixed-camera will stream and record automatically. Mobile users can start the stream on time or send a quick message if delayed.

The virtual guest experience

Nothing will replace the experience of attending a funeral in person. Our goal was to create a platform where virtual guests can connect in real-time to share memories and offer comfort. Like the in-person guests, virtual guests can follow along with the service program and sign the guestbook.

Detailed look at the virtual guest experience of live streaming a funeral on Forget Me Not Ceremonies


Every live stream features your funeral home's logo and a link to your website.


Guests can share their condolences by signing the guestbook.

Service Program

Guests can follow along with the service by downloading the service program.

Choose Language

Choose between English, French, and Spanish. More languages are coming!

Video Playlist

Guests can watch multiple live streams for their loved one on the same webpage. Watch the chapel service, graveside service, and even the tribute video!

Live chat

Guests can chat live with other virtual guests.

Upload photos

Share special memories with a photo and caption. Every photo is scanned with AI to ensure no sensitive content is uploaded.

Request Pre-need Info

At any time, guests can click here to easily request pre-need info.

Updating icons

The icons next to each live stream or video update when they are live or available to watch on-demand.

Purchase Video

Guests can request a copy of the service. Upone request, next of kin receive a copy for free.


Guests can ask questions or receive support from FMNC by clicking this button.

Features for:

Funeral Directors

Virtual Guests

Easy & fast

Scheduling a live stream and sharing with the next of kin takes less than 5 minutes!


Our support team is ready for you and your families 7 days a week.

Fixed-camera, mobile, or both

Live stream anywhere with Forget Me Not Ceremonies! Use our fixed-camera system, our mobile app, FMNC Anywhere, or both!


Automated reminder and thank-you emails are sent. Fixed-camera systems start live streaming automatically and system health checks are conducted every 5 mins.


Every live stream includes your funeral home's logo and link to your website.


Built on Amazon Web Services (the backbone of the internet), our platform follows top-tier cybersecurity practices and compliance with global standards for comprehensive data protection.

Video playlist

Multiple live streams for the same family? Schedule them all at once on the same page.

Recordings forever

Have access to all of your recorded services in one place - perfect for recalling, sharing, and distributing videos without the need for storing and managing files on USB drives.


Virtual guests can quickly and easily request info about pre-need before, during and after the live stream. You can even have them put on an optional email marketing campaign designed to educate and convert.


FMNC offers an unmatched interactive guest experience, assuring families that everyone attending online will truly feel included. Guests can chat live, sign the guest book, share photos, and view and download the service program.


Our support team is ready 7 days a week to help virtual guests and answer their questions.

Choose language

Choose between English, French, and Spanish. More languages are coming!

Video playlist

Guests can register once and watch all of the live streams related to the decedent.


Guests can choose at any time to reach out and request more information about pre-planning their funeral.

Rewatch the live stream

The live stream will be available to watch again for 120 days.

Frequently asked questions

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